Subscribe with Bloglines The Whatever File: Dream 10/14/2003


Dream 10/14/2003

October 14, 2003
Here's what I can remember about the dream I had.. I was with all kinds of people walking toward a place. I feel as though we were going through a time of trials and tribulations. Jesus or someone whom I'm assuming was Jesus or one of his angels? were telling us what we had to go through and that we should just keep following through because at the end we would see God defeat the Devil and then we would go on to Heaven. It was like we were going through this maze and along the way we would encounter other people and tell them where we were going and invite them to go with us and to follow Jesus.....Some got excited and joined us, while others refused and we would move on. I remember passing by a door and I thought this was the way we were suppose to go but we went on past it. Then we came to another door with one of those half doors and the top half was opened and upon looking inside there were people working, like an office. We stopped to ask for directions(ok, this is a and we ask these people the way to go and ask if they would go with us too. One lady held up a ticket and said, "yes, I'm going I have my ticket right here" and another one said she didn't want to go. Anyway, it seems like we had to go through this bloody door, there was blood everywhere on the door and around it(could be the blood of the Saints?) and we went through this door. As I said we were in aline everyone going in this maze...following the maze...etc....Anyway, as I open the door or whoever it is that is in line with me does and we go through it, I have this sense that I start flying(I don't know if I have ever had a flying dream before) and I'm looking down and I see people in another place maybe another maze but it doesn't look like a maze but a wide open corridor...everything is white or bright and the people in the corridor are all walking in the same direction I am flying, they are all in white and they seem happy, joyful....and I look down and I am waving at these people some who I know like my mother in law and grandmother in law, Sue and Lucille(both are still alive), and then I see my Mom(who died in 97) and I'm so happy because I think, "Ohhhh, Mom is in Heaven and I'm going to see her again" and I know I must squeal with excitement as I wave at her, maybe I yelled out that I loved her I think.

Then after the flying is over we are all in this factory like place, its dark, musky, and damp. There is all of these people, some saved, some unsaved and we are there to be tested and wait for God to defeat the devil. Its a dark place, it seems at each turn we are tested and the Person who is guiding us says not to worry that its just the devil testing us and we need to believe....There is this one test I guess is what you'd call it where a dark skinned/haired woman who I think is the devil. She makes this stuff appear in a bucket that is roting and has a horrible stench. Then she says she is leaving us to go have lunch and will be back later....she and her cohorts leave and its like she's doing this as a means to test us maybe to see what we can stand...I dunno. Well it starts to really stink and our Guide tells us that its an illusion and we start to walk around where the unsaved people are and there is a bucket next to each of these people and the Guide is saying, "see, they have roting stuff too but they don't smell it because it is an illusion". I guess the theme here is that their's doesn't stink to them because they are people who haven't been saved and they will be made to suffer later? After this there is like a concession type area and I or someone says they are thirsty and we go to get some bottled water but I am or someone is afraid to drink it because we think this is a trick that the devil woman is pulling on us but the guide says it ok and to drink so we do.

Anyway, at some point in the dream, again out of sequence I can remember sitting on the floor and looking around the corner because it was real bright and seeing a smaller aparation(Glowing, white, Heavenly...Jesus?) and then a larger one holding the smaller ones hand, like God and Jesus and I'm like excited and pointing them out to the person who is sitting beside me. I remember after this that Sue and Lucille were there talking to us and we were asking Sue questions about being in Heaven and she is telling us how she has no regrets and wouldn't ever want to come back and I ask her if she has seen Johnny(her husband who died several years ago) and I'm worried about her answer because I think what if Johnny didn't make it to Heaven and then she will be all sad and we will be sad to know that people we love who aren't saved won't be in Heaven with us and this would hurt but then she says she saw him for a few minutes and they were going to catch up later. It seems like she said she would still want to be there even if he wasn't. Anyway, after this I remember the woman coming back from lunch and then it seems like we are laying all in a row on this dark, factory floor and she is telling us about sins and how some people have them hanging on them like a "house number sign"(I see all these people with street address signs on them) like they are proud of what they are...etc...Proud of their sins. Then she is pointing out people standing on crates with ropes around there heads being hung. Anyway, she goes back to her story and says, "now, lets play a game," (or I think this is what she said) she says to us, "do you think that your sins are any different just because yours are hidden?" and then she say, "lets start with you" as she is taking her finger and reaching out to touch someone, she touches me...I remember watching her finger as it lands on the side of my ribcage and her finger is hot, like fire and when she touches me I looked down and it hurt. Then this rope appears in front of me and I am up in the air grasping, holding onto the rope and frantically begging and crying, yelling that I know I am a sinner, and I know I did all these things wrong but I have been saved and I love Jesus and I want to be with Jesus more than anything, that I would rather be in Heaven rather than enjoy my sins any longer....... I am frantic because I don't know where this rope is taking me and I look up and see a window above me that I go crashing through and into the air, all the while I am praying and crying saying how much I love Jesus and how I accepted him for my Lord and Saviour....etc..... Then I crash through this glass window and I'm hanging in midair facing these two time clocks and I am handed a timecard and as I look at the card I see a glowing word that says, "Heaven" and I'm thinking I have to punch in a number on a keypad on the front of the clock or click the timecard in the slot. I remember being confused thinking I have to do this to get into Heaven but seeing out of the corner of my eye the time clock on my right says hell on it and has an out of order sign on it. At the same time I am struggling to hold onto this rope or I think I will fall, maybe fall to hell? but then I realize that I am suspended in the air and I start laughing and I am happy because I am being held up by Jesus maybe. Then I wake myself up laughing and yelling, "Thank you, Jesus".

I realize now that I've waken myself up that I didn't punch the timecard yet and in a sense I continue dreaming but I'm awake and all these voices(while I was asleep too) are giving me doubts like I didn't make it to Heaven....etc... and I, in my wakenness am frantic to punch the card in the Heaven slot. I think my thought is now looking back that in my half wakefulness, what Jesus is saying to me is, "I have taken my eyes off Jesus and am being doubtful" because in my dream I guess with looking at the time clocks and realizing that the hell one was out of order I didn't have to worry but then I woke up and started doubting, trying frantically to put that card in the Heaven time clock because I wanted to make sure I went to Heaven., I feel like I kept hearing theses voices or thinking these doubts about really wanting to go to Heaven and if I had really wanted to go to Heaven why didn't I put the card in the timeslot....etc....(is this the devil trying to make me doubt orwhat?!?!?!)but ya know the thing is when I got to this point where I was suspended in air before the time clocks I am giddy and happy and that is where I yelled, "Thank You Jesus" and my yelling is what woke me up because I really yelled that out

