Subscribe with Bloglines The Whatever File: 03/12/07


Girls only, boys not allowed!

Even as girls we are driven to stake our claim on our space albeit our room, our toys, our clothes, or our stuff. We proudly stand up and proclaim, "THIS IS MINE!"

We spent this weekend at our "farm" and took the kids along as well. Sierra had her cousin over and from that point on it was the girls against Jeffrey. They love to torture poor Jeffrey and truthfully I think he gets a kick out of the attention too. It didn't take long for the girls to decide that they needed a place to call their own where no boys were allowed. So they made up some signs and walked down to the pond and posted a sign right at the entrance of the bridge that crosses the pond that said,

"Girls Island
no boys allowed!
and that includes you too Jeff!"

Then they put a piece of wood laid it across the bridge beams right at the entrance to the island at the other side with another sign that said something similar in the middle.

I remember being single and loving my own space, my place where no one else could come in and mess with. I also remember being a newlywed and having to adjust to the invasion from man in my little world. Though truthfully it was more the other way around because I moved into his home and his space but still I struggled to keep my sense of space...through my things..etc..What an adjustment! While I love my husband dearly I love my space too, I love having something that is just mine that I don't have to share with anyone unless I choose. I wonder why we feel this need?

Having kids is another invasion of space...bathroom time is no longer a private meeting place between your butt and the toilet bowl. There is something about that door being closed and your child knowing you are on the other side and they can't see you. It also seems to be the time when your child realizes they have something so important to tell you that it cannot wait. And of course lets not for get the cat or dog that has to grace you with it's presence while you conteplate what food group you had that must be creating this awful smell.

I have to say though that having our own space is not restrictive to just girls, boys like to have their space too. For my stepson, Jeffrey, his space is any land his four wheeler can manage to cover as quickly as possible. For my husband it's a his big ole pole barn where he can tinker with his tools, cars, and woodworking stuff.

And finally for me I have found my space once again with this mini farm with it's 1920 house thats full of breezy spots where I'm sure any bug I am terrified of can find its way in and the peace and tranquility you just can't get in Louisville.

More to come....
