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Another time in 2004

Things I seen in my dream to remember:

*I felt crazy, I was doing strange carzy things. I was walking around a block in a bad neighborhood. I was crazy enough to be put away.

*I had these egg yokes and I was suppose to bust them and I did but the last one was really large and out of it came like 5 or 6 yokes and they turned into baby birds and were crying. It scared me so I set them outside and when I turned around there was this cat who had had babies, one baby was much, much larger than the other, maybe the size of a half way grown cat and the other one was so small I could fit it in my hand. The big one ran into the house but the small was lying by the door so that when you opened it, you would rub the door overtop if it. I brought them in the house and tried to feed the little one but it didn’t know how to eat and the big one kept eating all the food. Finally the little one figured out how to get the food in its mouth and started eating but I had to watch it or it would drown itself in the food. I picked up the big one and its fur still felt like newborn fur and its face still looked newborn with eyes still closed but I felt it was heavy in my hand. I put them in a box but the big one kept getting out. I remember being so tired, I just couldn’t stay awake even though I could see the big one getting out and I went to sleep. I woke up and there was paper lining the edges of the floors so the cats could walk on it and go to the bathroom and I noticed there was all this poop on the floor. I picked up the big kitten and it started going to the bathroom on my hand so I put it back down and looked around and there were more cats and kittens then when I fell asleep. The littlest one was climbing on the walls.

