Subscribe with Bloglines The Whatever File: May 2010


Smooth Sailing

Here is the beginning of my post. Wow, how life has changed in the short amount of time since my last post! In that time I have married the wonderful man I mentioned before and we have become a family knitted together by God's hands.

We have found a wonderful church home called South Louisville Christian Church and Chris became employed there as well. I sold my house and we moved back to Louisville to be closer to the church and his job. Not only did we join the church but Chris started a Celebrate Recovery Ministry where I am also apart of, as a small group leader. Chris is attending college at Louisville Bible College seeking a degree in Ministry, he should have a degree in the spring. I too, have started going to college with him after a 25 year absence from school and boy is it hard!

I have also been blessed with 2 wonderful grandkids that my son and his wife gave me. They are darling kids and I love them dearly! I am hoping now that we are in Louisville I will have a lot more time to spend with them. My son too is in school seeking a degree. Sierra has done wonderfully since her surgery though she still has back pain, it is my hope that with proper therapy she will not have pain much longer.

When I look back over the last 2 years or so I can see the footprints in the sand. God has carried us through and touched our lives with so many blessings; I cannot help but laugh in love watching how He always blesses us in abundance as we follow the path He has set before us. I never knew I could have a life like this if only I chose to follow Him.
