I'm still working on the videos but I did manage to get some more pics to share. I hope you enjoy!
More Pictures
Labels: Family, John Daniel, Lucy, new baby, Tori
I'm officially a grandma!
My son and his fiancee welcomed their first child into the world tonight at 7:27pm. We have a beautiful baby girl who weighs 7lbs. 10ozs. and is 18 1/2 inches long. Momma, daddy and baby girl are all doing wonderful. Tori, my son's fiancee did wonderfully, she looked great and you would have never imagined that she would have just had a baby. The both did a great job today and I am very proud of them! John Daniel is staying at the hospital with them until they come home.
I took alot of video and made a couple pics from the video to share with ya. Here's the first one:
This is me holding the baby.
I actually got her to laugh in this one:
Well that's about it since it's late and I need to head to bed. Have a great one!
Peace out!
Figuring it all out....Finally!
As you can see if you've read my blog I did finally figure out how to make my sections solid instead of transparent....YaY Me! HTML is not so bad once you get use to looking at it. So what I have done is made a page of tips for blogger on how to minipulate your blog to look like you want it too. Just click on the following link and it will get you there:
It is still a work in progress and I will update it when I learn more stuff. Hey, it's not so bad for a blonde headed girl;)
Peace Out!
Labels: blogger tips and tricks
Sprucing up my blog!
Well I am finally taking the time to put some much needed effort into what my blog looks like. Out is the tired old background that everyone else has on blogger and in is a new cutie looking background. My question is though, can you read it? Is it to busy? While I love the background I am not so sure it is readable so please post your comment and let me know!!
Very late in posting
Well I got to thinking I hadn't updated this at all since the day before my surgery so I thought I would update it. I had my surgery on Dec. 18th and other than the fact that they had to resusitate me the first night I did just fine. I have had a difficult time keeping my food down now that I am on solids so I am going to start back on soft foods again tomorrow to see if that helps. Thus far I have lost 38 lbs. and have lost several inches in various places. Sierra had decided that when I had the surgery she too would start watching what she ate and she has lost 8 lbs.!
Sierra will be beginning strengthening therapy soon to get her prepared for surgery. We expect she will have surgery in late April or early May so that she can heal during the summer months. She is in alot of pain but that doesn't keep her from giving everyone a smile, a hug, and enjoying fun times with each other. I am very proud of her.
Tori, John Daniel's fiancee still hasn't had the baby yet but the doctor said it could be any time now. We are all excited and looking forward to our first grandchild. The kids are excited too and Tori is ready to get this little girl out of her!
We will finally be moving at the end of July and we couldn't be happier about it. The hard part though is trying to get this house in some shape in order to sell it and this will take alot of time since we don't have the extra money to invest in fixing it up further.
Well I am off to bed now, I have been so sick that all I want to do is sleep so I don't feel the pain. God Bless!